`themeNew` produces themes for `writeExcel` or `writeLatex`.

themeNew(..., default_theme = themeDefaultExcel())



Named arguments that specify the various output types. See the Theme Arguments section below for a complete listing.


a theme object to use for defaults if you're modifying an already existing themes

Theme Arguments


A numeric. How many digits should the data be rounded to? (In Excel, this is excel styling.) Defaults to 0.


A numeric. How many digits should continuous variable data be rounded to? (In Latex, , this is Latex styling.) Defaults to 2.


In Excel, an optional numeric. How many digits should the data be rounded to before being added to Excel?


In Excel, an optional character vector of length 3. The footer text of the file.


In Excel, a numeric. What column should be the last frozen column? Defaults to 1.


In Excel, An optional character vector of length 3. The header text of the file.


In Excel, a character. The orientation of the page if printed. Valid options are: "landscape", and "portrait". Defaults to "landscape".


In Excel, a logical. Should "%" be pasted in each cell that contains a proportion? Defaults to FALSE.


In Excel, a logical. Should the default grid lines of the file show? Defaults to FALSE.


In Excel, an optional list. The formatting of the border around each downbreak. Includes: border_color, and border_style.


An optional character. The font to be used.


In Excel, an optional color. The color of the font.


An optional numeric. The size of the font.


In Excel, a list. How the banner/crossbreak response options should be formatted. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


In Excel, an optional list. How the banner/crossbreak variable names should be formatted. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


In Excel, an optional list. How should the banner variables be separated? Includes: border_color, border_style

empty_col In Excel, a logical. Should there be an empty column to separate banner variables? Defaults to FALSE.

An optional list. How headers should be formatted. If `NULL` headers will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


In Excel, a list. How the labels column should be formatted. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, wrap_text. In LaTeX, allows you to set col_width only, in inches of the crosstab stub globally.

Includes: col_width A numeric. Width of the label column. Defaults to 40. extend_borders In Excel, a logical. Should the borders created for certain rows extend to the label column? Defaults to FALSE.

In LaTeX, a character vector of columns widths, specified in inches and named after the question alias whose stub they would effect.


An optional list. How means should be formatted. If `NULL` means will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, name, position_bottom, position_top, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How medians should be formatted. If `NULL` medians will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, name, position_bottom, position_top, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. If a minimum base size is desired, how variables that fall below that base size should be formatted. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, wrap_text

Includes: mask An optional character to be used to mark cells with base below the min_base. min_base An optional numeric. The minimum acceptable base size for a question.

An optional list. How the table subtitle should be formatted. If `NULL` the table subtitle will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How subtotals should be formatted. If `NULL` subtotals will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How the table title should be formatted. If `NULL` the table title will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


In Excel, a list. How the totals column should be formatted. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How total rows should be formatted. If `NULL` total rows will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, name, position_bottom, position_top, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How downbreak variable aliases should be formatted. If `NULL` downbreak variable aliases will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, include_q_number, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How downbreak variable descriptions should be formatted. If `NULL` downbreak variable descriptions will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, include_alias, include_q_number, repeat_for_subs, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How downbreak variable filtertext/notes should be formatted. If `NULL` downbreak variable filtertext/notes will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, include_alias, include_q_number, repeat_for_subs, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How downbreak variable names should be formatted. If `NULL` downbreak variable names will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, include_alias, include_q_number, repeat_for_subs, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How downbreak subvariable names should be formatted. If `NULL` downbreak subvariable names will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, include_alias, include_q_number, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How unweighted Ns should be formatted. If `NULL` unweighted Ns will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, name, position_bottom, position_fixed, position_top, valign, and wrap_text.


An optional list. How weighted Ns should be formatted. If `NULL` weighted Ns will not appear. Includes: background_color, border_bottom, border_color, border_left, border_right, border_style, border_top, decoration, font, font_color, font_size, halign, name, position_bottom, position_fixed, position_top, valign, and wrap_text.


In Latex, a character. A character string indicating what text should be placed at the top of continuation tables. 'tbc' is a shortcut for 'to be continued.'


In Latex, a character. A character string indicating what text should be placed at the bottom of continuation tables. 'tbc' is a shortcut for 'to be continued.'


In Latex, an integer. What is the maximum number of lines a table can be before it is converted to a longtable? Currently only works on toplines. Defaults to 0.


In Latex, a logical. Should banners allow multi-row headlines? Defaults to FALSE.


In Latex, a logical. In Latex, should percentages be recalculated so they do not exceed 100% where necessary? Defaults to FALSE.


In Latex, an optional character. A list of variable aliases that should have the opposite behaviour of that specified in latex_round_percentages.


In Latex, a character. A character string indicating what the table alignment should be. Defaults to 'r'.


In Latex, a logical. Categorical arrays will be flipped so that there rows are now transposed to columns.


An optional vector of aliases whose presentation should be transposed


An optional list. Information about the logo to be included in the tables.

Includes: file The path to a PNG file that should be used for the logo. Include the extension (.png) for an Excel theme. Exclude the extension for a Latex theme dpi In Excel, a numeric. The image resolution used for conversion between units. Defaults to 300. height In Excel, a numeric. The height of the logo. Defaults to 2. width In Excel, a numeric. The width of the logo. Defaults to 4. startCol In Excel, a numeric. The column coordinate of upper left corner of the logo. Defaults to 1. startRow In Excel, a numeric. The row coordinate of upper left corner of the logo. Defaults to 1. units In Excel, a character. Units of width and height. Valid options are: "cm", "in", and "px." Defaults to "in".

A logical. Should each question be on its own sheet/page? Defaults to FALSE.



In Excel, an optional color. Cell background color.


In Excel, an optional logical. Should there be a border on the bottom?


In Excel, an optional color. The border color of the relevant cells.


In Excel, an optional logical. Should there be a border on the left of the relevant cells?


In Excel, an optional logical. Should there be a border on the right of the relevant cells?


In Excel, an optional character. The style of the border of the relevant cells. Valid options are: "dashDot", "dashDotDot", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "hair", "medium", "mediumDashDot", "mediumDashDotDot", "mediumDashed", "none", "slantDashDot", "thick", and "thin".


In Excel, an optional logical. Should there be a border on the top of the relevant cells?


An optional character vector. Text decorations to be applied to relevant cells. Valid options are: "bold", "italic", "strikeout", "underline", and "underline2".


An optional character. The font to be used.


In Excel, an optional color. The color of the font.


An optional numeric. The size of the font.


In Excel, an optional character. The horizontal alignment of the text. Valid options are: "center", "left", and "right".


A logical. Should the alias of the variable be included with the other information? Defaults to FALSE.


A logical. Should the question number be included with the other information? Defaults to FALSE.


In Latex, a logical. Should parenthesis be added surrounding the values? Defaults to FALSE.


In Latex, an optional character. How should the values be adjusted? Can be missing.


A character. The name to be used for the relevant row(s).


In Excel, a logical. Should the relevant row(s) be at the bottom of each table? Defaults to TRUE.


In Excel, a logical. Should the relevant row(s) be fixed at the top of the file with the banner? Defaults to FALSE.


In Excel, a logical. Should should the relevant row(s) be at the top of each table? Defaults to FALSE.


A logical. Should the information be repeated for each subvariable? Defaults to TRUE.


A logical. Allow a banner to be broken midway across pages. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, Pushes the page breaking banner sub-table to the next page similar to manually using clearpage


In Excel, an optional character. The vertical alignment of the text. Valid options are: "bottom", "center", and "top".


In Excel, an optional logical. Should the text wrap if it extends beyond the width of the cell? Defaults to TRUE.