All functions |
Add position |
Given an array of values and elements, calculates some summary statistics of some columns |
Font decoration |
Combine two or more tabbook results as a categorical array |
Create an object of class |
Banner Data Recode |
Apply bold tex |
Given a vector of values, calculates the weighted mean |
Given a vector of values, calculates the weighted median |
Calculate number of lines |
categoricalArray tex adjustments |
Decompose a categorical array |
Column Bind Unequal Matrices |
Merge two data.frames by rownames |
Wrap center tex |
cmidrule tex |
codeBookItemBody |
Extract basic question information |
Extract basic question information |
codeBook Item Text Header |
codeBook Item Text Header |
Summarize crunch variables for codeBooks |
Collapse items |
Column based hypothesis testing |
Toplines and Crosstabs Summaries |
Header wrap |
Create default banner |
Default Logo |
Wrap document tex |
error if items |
Open |
Fix underscore |
Font Size |
Format Number |
Banner Meta Data |
getter for categoricalArray column names |
Extract counts from a tabbook |
get Item Data for print |
Get Multitable |
S3 Method for getName |
Extract proportions from a tabbook |
Generic getter for result object |
Extract aliases |
Extract names |
Get Variable Info |
Get class name from arrow variable |
Return Excel-style column name. |
Operator overload |
Bracket styling |
Apply italics tex |
Strip rules |
Strip toprule |
Defaults for kableExtra |
Prepare Doc Head |
Sample Description |
Create Tex of Table Body |
Question Text |
Generates two macros for the preamble \bannera that takes one argument (first column label) \tbltopa that takes no arguments If given multiple banners, \bannerb \tbltopb, etc are created |
Make Banner |
Fix ttf |
multicolumn tex |
newcommand tex |
No breaks allowed |
Prepare Datetime Content |
Prepare Numeric Content |
Prepare Summary Content |
Prepare Text Content |
Paste Around |
pdflatex |
Crosstabs Title |
Topline Title |
Project-specific themes |
Recode Categories |
Recontact Toplines |
Reflow Question Numbers |
Apply reformats |
Reformat variables for printing |
Relabel question items and options |
relabel description |
relabel notes |
Set relabels |
relabel ToplineCategoricalArray |
relabel ToplineVar |
Remove Inserts |
Generic Results Object |
Rounds a proportions |
Create row data |
scolumn_fix |
setter for categoricalArray column names |
Generic setter for result object |
Sort Aliases |
Sort Results |
Helper function for setting complex weights on a `tabbook` |
Compute a Tab Book |
Create a tabBook |
' tab_frame_generate |
Generate a tableHeader |
texEscape |
Generate default Theme for `writeExcel` |
Generate default Theme for `writeLatex` |
Generate Theme for `writeExcel` or `writeLatex` |
Theme Validator |
Combine topline data |
Specify question availability in a tracking report |
Create a multi-dataset tracking report |
Apply underline tex |
usepackage tex |
valiases_tabbook_extract |
Validate fonts |
vspace |
Create a codebook |
Create a CodeBook from any dataset |
Generate Excel Reports: Toplines and Banners |
Generate LaTeX Reports: Toplines and Banners |
Assert class |